Wednesday, March 17, 2010

From Marianne to Joss

I think the whole Universe must know about my love for 'raffies'. I am so very lucky as I have seen them in the wild, running free, nibbling from high branches and spreading their legs almost impossibly wide to reach those long necks down to drink water, then trying to get upright again.
They are nimble, elegant, serene and vegetarians (all qualities they share with me!)

Marianne sent me this delightful postcard with scenery of the African 'veld' done in watercolour and this wise lady giraffe popping in to say 'Hi!' (must be a lady- look at those long eyelashes!)

The quote on the back says:
"And as we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same." Nelson Mandela (of course).
Thank you so much Marianne, it is such a thoughful card made by a very dear and thoughtful friend.


  1. It is gorgeous Joss. Marianne is so wonderful!

  2. This is too funny. I had a picture I took of a giraffe out to use for your card. I will have to think of something different. Marianne did such a beautiful job.

  3. Beautiful card Marianne and soo perfect for Joss!! She is gorgeous, Joss!

  4. How delightful - excellent Marianne! Perfect for our Joss!

  5. Absoulutely made for you, Soul. And Lisa, I can't imagine Joss having too many giraffes.
    go for it.

  6. Oh my, so beautiful the way she's peeking in from the right!! And me too Lisa, I had a giraffe all planned out. (I'm way behind though!)
    Maybe Jossie will end up wuth a raffie collection ;)

    This one is very, very lovely. Wow! And the quote is so true and perfect (b your hero!)

  7. yes pleeese lisa and lo, i can never have enough raffies.

  8. I absolutely love the colors. It is beautiful. I had planned a giraffe too of sorts....I'll still try!
