Thursday, February 18, 2010

They Are In The Mail...Finally

Being Busy with different things and our President's Holiday prevented/got in the way of my getting two postcards out in the mail in a timely manner. But YESTERDAY two finally made it: One on it's way to Marianne in the Netherlands and one to Mim in Mass.! My apologies for being so late...curious to how clean they will be upon arrival.


  1. how funny lynn, thinking about how clean they will be?? are they cloth. ooops. i know, a secret.

  2. Lisa's postcard arrived rather unharmed..surprising with all the wet weather across this country!

    I think there's a slight meter smudge on his crest that's barely noticeable.

    Hey Lynn, Maybe your cards can go through the wash! :P

  3. You are all too funny! Actually one is paper and one is fabric and paper! Now you know... but you don't have a clue as to what they look like!
    Tee hee, you'll have to wait along with Marianne and Mim!!!
