Friday, April 2, 2010

From Patty to Joss

This is how Joss was supposed to receive her card - 3 items have been torn from the front! I guess it is a long ways from Alaska to London, but you'd think the postal people would be a little more careful! I wrote on the back that I selected this quote especially for you Joss because you teach children. It is one of the most important jobs in the world, yet I don't think teachers always get the praise they deserve! Thank you for teaching our children!
Patty in AK


  1. Yeah, see...I know it was awesome!! :)

  2. And Joss always makes me feel good! Such a kind soul! Soul!

  3. Oh man, that's quite a difference :(

    It was beautiful Patty. Is there any way you can print it and send her a copy in an envelope?

  4. too bad about the card. actually couldnt joss put this picture on her desktop and print out from there?

  5. yup i will definitely copy this and print it out...oh now i feel sad, it was gorgeous. and thanks for the wonderful words.
