Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Lisa's card to Joss

This awesome postcard arrived from Lisa yesterday in perfect condition.
This gorgeous zebra on the front next to my address says:
"A leopard cannot change its spots, nor a zebra its stripes- proverb"
This is the back of it,with a beautiful cerelean blue (I think) background, another zebra, glittery paint and a lovely realistic material spider's web.
The completed effect is just fabadabadoolishus.
Thanks so much Lisa.
I love it.


  1. I am glad you like it Joss. ((Big Hugs))

  2. This is very beautiful. I recently saw a tv show letting me know that there are zebras on a farm near where I live! I'd love to go visit them some weekend. They include a new baby zebra!!!!

  3. oh it's so beautiful Lisa and just perfect for Joss's collection of African animals!! :)

  4. It is perfect for Joss! I love zebras - they are one of my favorite animals.

  5. This is a neat blog Lisa! The zebra is very exotic.
